
Quinn (20 Roses)

Elegantly arranged with special soap roses, this is a bouquet filled with an overflowing sense of class and style! The white and golden roses are juxtaposed perfectly by the red roses to form a remarkable sense of sophistication, representing your deep passion for your special Valentine.
A sleek bouquet that’s perfect to be presented to your Valentine sweetheart – to showcase just how deep is your love for them!


Quinn (20 Roses)

Elegantly arranged with special soap roses, this is a bouquet filled with an overflowing sense of class and style! The white and golden roses are juxtaposed perfectly by the red roses to form a remarkable sense of sophistication, representing your deep passion for your special Valentine.
A sleek bouquet that’s perfect to be presented to your Valentine sweetheart – to showcase just how deep is your love for them!




Large-Sized Soap Flower Rose Bouquet.

Featuring: 20x Premium Soap Flowers

Approximate dimensions:  L 35cm W 18cm x H 54cm

The images shown are for reference purposes only. The availability of specific flowers may differ subject to seasonality. Should certain flowers be unavailable due to seasonal changes, our team will substitute them with flowers of similar style/colour, and of equal or greater value to achieve the desired look. Please note that what you receive may differ slightly. This may be done without prior notice to you but rest assured it will be in your chosen theme and style.


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