This bouquet features delicate Blue Baby’s Breath, adding a touch of charm and whimsy perfect for your boyfriend. The soft blue hue symbolizes serenity and peace, making it a thoughtful gift to express your affection. Ideal for any occasion, this bouquet brings a fresh and unique flair, reminding him of your love and appreciation.

From: RM78


This bouquet features delicate Blue Baby’s Breath, adding a touch of charm and whimsy perfect for your boyfriend. The soft blue hue symbolizes serenity and peace, making it a thoughtful gift to express your affection. Ideal for any occasion, this bouquet brings a fresh and unique flair, reminding him of your love and appreciation.

From: RM78


Deep-Blue Sky Gradient Baby Breath Bouquet

Featuring: Generous bundle of baby breath blooms with Deep Blue Ombre Gradient

Approximate dimensions (Small): L 15cm x W 15cm x H 25cm 

Approximate dimensions (Medium): L 25cm x W 25cm x H 25cm 

Approximate dimensions (Large): L 35cm x W 35cm x H 50cm 

Approximate dimensions (Extra Large): 45cm (Length) x 35cm (Width) x 60cm (Height)

The images shown are for reference purposes only. The availability of specific flowers may differ subject to seasonality. Should certain flowers be unavailable due to seasonal changes & limited supply, our team will substitute them with flowers of similar style/colour to achieve the desired look.

PLEASE KINDLY NOTE that the flowers’ shape, size and colour are adaptive towards their pollinators. Hence, they may vary according to the care or weather conditions of our nurseries. Please note that what you receive may differ slightly. This may be done without prior notice to you but rest assured it will be in your chosen theme and style.

Additional information

Bouquet Size

, , ,

Cotton Flowers

None, 3 Cotton Flowers, 5 Cotton Flowers, 10 Cotton Flowers

Wrapping Colour



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