Our Mother's Day Collaboration
with UNIQLO Malaysia
Last modified: 14th August 2022

Hobby Florist KL
& UNIQLO Malaysia

Mother’s Day is one of the most celebrated days in Malaysia to convey our words of appreciation to the women who gave birth to us. With great importance being placed on this day of appreciation, Uniqlo Malaysia came up with an idea of gifting flowers to all mothers together with Hobby Florist KL. We were honored to make fresh flower bouquet on the spot at UNIQLO Sunway Pyramid, Uniqlo Farenheit 88 and the prominent largest flagship store of UNIQLO- UNIQLO DA Square. This is surely another milestone of us after our collaboration with Bottega Veneta back in AW21/22.

为表达对母亲的感激之情,每年的母亲节是马来西亚最多人庆祝的日子之一,感恩母亲承担着疼痛和风险,把我们带到这个世界上。马来西亚优衣库也特此制定了一个给所有母亲送花的想法。 很荣幸地,Hobby Florist KL 的团队受邀在马来西亚优衣库的著名分店现场制作新鲜的迷你花束,包括双威金字塔优衣库、Farenheit 88优衣库和DA Square优衣库。这无疑是我们继 2019 年与 Bottega Veneta 合作之后的又一个里程碑。

The Setup 2
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The Setup


Minimalist style of UNIQLO, the collection style of floral arrangement and garden style adhered by Hobby Florist KL came in the first place when our visual merchandiser, Mr. Alvin prepared for the setup of scenes. Over the years, as the slogan “bringing a garden in your hands’ suggest, creating the vibes of garden style has been long insisted. In this collaboration, aluminum vases were specially used to fill Caspia, Jasmine Leaves and Statice in to bring a sense of garden style to the visitors of UNIQLO.

优衣库的极简风格,集合风格的鲜花陈列和Hobby Florist KL 所坚持的花园风格是我们的花艺师 Alvin 先生在布置场景时的首要考量。多年来,正如“让花园在你手中”的理念所表诉,

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The Fusion

when fashion meets floristry


In line with Mother’s Day, UNIQLO came up with the idea of giving out free petite bouquets to mothers who had spent a certain amount at UNIQLO on the day of Mother’s Day.

To present an overall good match of the minimalism of UNIQLO and floristry art, we have specially selected the flower elements of Carnation (symbolising the purity of a mother’s love), Gerbera Daisy (representing love from the bottom of heart), Statice (permanent love), and some decorative Caspia and Jasmine Leaves in white-wrapping bouquets.

Every mother is like flowers, despite being different individually,
they share the same trait of striving to give their best to their beloved children.


为了配合母亲节,优衣库在母亲节这一天免费赠送小花束给所有消费特定额度的顾客。为了让UNIQLO简约舒适的风格与鲜花艺术相匹配,UNIQLO选用白色作为花束的包装,让其看起来和谐、简约、时尚,且能凸显鲜花夺眼的姿态。在花材选择方面,我们选择的花材包括母亲节必备的康乃馨、含有“深藏在心底的爱”的含义的雏菊 (Gerbera Daisy)、代表着“爱你不变”的星辰花,以及一些带着点缀功能的卡斯比亚 (Caspia) 和茉莉叶 (Jasmine Leaves)。



Behind the Story


It was not easy to achieve a great success in collaborations but we did it!

Having minimalism as our main direction, we laid the groundwork for sample bouquet in a short time, providing Uniqlo with a size reference and a bouquet reference. With our hard work and perseverance,, we hereby convey our appreciation to the golden opportunity offered by UNIQLO among many other competitors in Malaysia floristry.

以极简作为主要方向,我们在短时间内奠定了样品花束的基础,为优衣库提供了尺寸参考和花束参考。 凭借我们的辛勤工作和坚持不懈,我们在此感谢优衣库在马来西亚花艺界的众多竞争对手中提供千载难逢的机会。

Principles of Collaboration

Hobby Florist KL


“If I were to do things, I make sure I’m fully prepared. No doubts should I bring to my collaborators, partners, or anyone with whom I work,” said Hobby Florist KL’s founder, Mr. Alvin.

Hobby Florist KL seizes each and every collaboration opportunity and we take each collaboration as natural affinity that we are mutually willing to contribute our professionalisms to better serve our customers.


“如果我要做一件事,我必须首先确保我已经做好了充分的准备,我不应该将任何疑惑或不清楚的信息带给我的合作者、合作伙伴或与我一起工作的任何人,”Hobby Florist KL 的创始人 Alvin 先生说。

Hobby Florist KL 一直都很珍惜每一个能够强强联手的合作机会。我们欣赏及钦佩每个领域的专业人才。我们把每一次合作都视为一种缘分,因为缘分,才把互相都愿意贡献专业精神以更好地为客户服务的我们连接到了一起。



Principles of Collaboration

Hobby Florist KL


“If I were to do things, I make sure I’m fully prepared. No doubts should I bring to my collaborators, partners, or anyone with whom I work,” said Hobby Florist KL’s founder, Mr. Alvin.

Hobby Florist KL seizes each and every collaboration opportunity and we take each collaboration as natural affinity that we are mutually willing to contribute our professionalisms to better serve our customers.


“如果我要做一件事,我必须首先确保我已经做好了充分的准备,我不应该将任何疑惑或不清楚的信息带给我的合作者、合作伙伴或与我一起工作的任何人,”Hobby Florist KL 的创始人 Alvin 先生说。

Hobby Florist KL 一直都很珍惜每一个能够强强联手的合作机会。我们欣赏及钦佩每个领域的专业人才。我们把每一次合作都视为一种缘分,因为缘分,才把互相都愿意贡献专业精神以更好地为客户服务的我们连接到了一起。



The Setup 1

Our Collaborator

UNIQLO Malaysia


UNIQLO was first established to be a textile business in Yamugachi, Japan, in 1949 and is now an apparel organization with numerous branches across the world. The first UNIQLO in Malaysia was officially opened on November 4, 2010. Farenheitt 88 in Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur is the first location of UNIQLO in Malaysia. Malaysia is the fifth country having a standalone UNIQLO store (UNIQLO DA Square)

It is our great honor to be able to carry out such a meaningful event in several prominent stores of UNIQLO.


优衣库于 1949 年在日本山口市成立,最初是一家纺织企业,现在是一家服装组织,在世界各地拥有众多分支机构。马来西亚第一家优衣库或门店是位于吉隆坡武吉免登的Farenheitt 88,于2010年11月4日正式开业。马来西亚是第五个拥有优衣库路边商店(UNIQLO DA Square)的国家。


For Future Collaborations


We made our best efforts to mark each and every collaborated event or project with a wonderful full-stop. Looking forward to be a part of future collaboration with you. If you are interested to collaborate with us, please kindly contact us via E-mail at hobbyfloristkl@gmail.com and we will get in touch with you shortly.

我们一直都尽最大努力用精彩的句号来标记每一个合作的活动或项目。 期待Hobby Florist KL 能够成为未来与您合作的一部分。请通过电子邮件 hobbyfloristkl@gmail.com 与我们联系,我们会尽快给您答复。


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